
Spania, model de incluziune a romilor?

Spania, model de incluziune a romilor?

Așa-numitul „modelul spaniol” de incluziune a populației rome în ultimii ani a fost marcat de o viziune foarte pragmatică: a rămas pe agendă politică spaniolă cu un profil redus, dar într-o manieră susținută. A existat un consens politic și instituțional în...

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Press Freedom in 2013: Media Freedom Hits Decade Low

Press Freedom in 2013: Media Freedom Hits Decade Low

Only one in seven people live in countries where coverage of political news is robust, the safety of journalists is guaranteed, state intrusion in media affairs is minimal, and the press is not subject to onerous legal or economic pressures. The year’s declines were...

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Freedom House on Russia: 2003-2014

While Russia’s annexation of Crimea was a nasty shock to many policymakers, it came as no surprise to analysts, such as Freedom House’s experts, who had followed Russia’s trajectory over the past decade.  Since 2003, Freedom House has documented the country’s move to...

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